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Benefits of Potable Water Felt Beyond Port Silanguin

Tue, 06 February, 2024

The IMPHORRA team has completed the installation of the filtration system on Port Silanguin and the locals are overwhelmed. For the first time in their lives, they have clean potable water straight out of a tap.

Before the filtration system was installed, families had to travel 2.5 hours to the city and then 2.5 hours back to Silanguin just to get drinking water. For reference, each 20 litre container costs 50 pesos (around £1) and with a normal family usually buying 6 containers every 3 days (or 2 containers per day), they spend around 300 pesos a time. This price excludes the fuel for the boat which is estimated to be 1000 pesos.

There are 80 families in Port Silanguin, so approximately 160 containers per day are needed if they are to keep their current consumption.

Figure 1. Water filtration system installed at Port Silanguin
Figure 1. Water filtration system installed at Port Silanguin

John Defensor who supervised the installation and operation of the IMPHORAA filtration system, said, “Since we installed the system, word has got around the area that there is fresh clean water in Silanguin and people from the surrounding areas are using the system to get their supply. Some people even travel 30 minutes with their boats from neighbouring areas to get water from our system instead of going to the city. The IMPORAA system has made a very positive impact on the people living in Silanguin.”


This project is supported by Innovate UKs Energy Catalyst Programme (funding by the Foreign, Commonwealth Development Office through their Transforming Energy Access Programme) and UK aid and was awarded as a “subsidy” under the UK International Obligations for Subsidy Control and delivered under Grant 90935 from Innovate UK